White Americans once understood that race was a fundamental aspect of individual and group identity. We once recognized that people of different races also differed in temperament, intelligence, ability, and the kind of societies they could create. Our ancestors wanted America to be filled with Europeans and knew only people of European stock could maintain the civilization they valued. The founding stock of this country therefore considered immigration as a threat to Whites and to the civilization they built. It was common to regard the presence of non-Whites as a burden, and to argue that if they could not be removed from the country, they should at minimum be separated from Whites, socially and politically.
Jared Taylor's powerful book convinces, through a series of well-crafted logical arguments rooted in objective fact, that racial integration and diversity are not sources of strength and enrichment, but of inevitable and interminable conflict and suffering. People of all races generally prefer the company of people like themselves, so racial diversity is obviously the source of this conflict, and not a strength at all. Racial consciousness, and more specifically, the instinctive preference for one’s own race over others, are deeply ingrained in human biology. This primal drive, rooted in our very DNA, cannot be eradicated, and ignoring it invites grave peril.
Whites have adopted the habit of ignoring and suppressing their own racial consciousness, driven by the misguided belief that White “racism” is the sole cause of all racial conflict, along with the suffering and backwardness of all other races. These self-hating Whites believe that by eliminating so-called White racism, they can create a utopian society where all races and cultures coexist in an atmosphere of tolerance and harmony. This is not only fallacious reasoning and contrary to reality, but is leading the White race to demographic oblivion. If our people and civilization are to survive and thrive, we must first reignite the fierce spark of White racial consciousness within ourselves. Only by embracing this vital awareness can we ensure the flourishing of our people.
This melting pot hoax in America was popularized by the 1908 screenplay by Israel Zangwill, who came from a family of Jewish immigrants from Russia and was a dedicated Zionist. And the “huddled masses” poem on the Statue of Liberty? That too was written by a Jew, Emma Lazarus, whose writing was added in 1903 as part of a fundraising activity, but now somehow gets interpreted as permanent immigration policy in every White country around the world.
We’ve been lied to, taught that America has forever been a mix of different races and cultures, despite the fact that the U.S. remained 90% ethnically and culturally European up until the Jewish Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965, which was passed under the promise that the cultural and racial makeup of the United States would not change.
The ADL and the SPLC are big troublemakers in this regard. These are Jewish organizations, and the organized Jews don’t want racial separation. They insist on a multiracial society. They do everything in their power to prevent real solutions from happening, or from even being openly discussed. Their usual weapons are gaslighting, corruption of the judicial process, bribing, blackmailing, and threatening of elected officials. These Jewish groups use Blacks as their pawns to fight the proxy war against Whites. And it was also the Jews, not the Blacks, who created the NAACP.
For more info, see CPAC Speech - Eva Vlaardingerbroek.